BIB Lab Gets New Website Skip to main content

BIB Lab Gets New Website

Lab Members Thrilled

The BYU BIB Lab has re-vamped its look: new website, new training modules, new lab members. We are continuously evolving to make the most of resources that BYU provides.

Site Visitors

This website is gaining new utility for those curious individuals who want to learn about the lab. Explore updated features including these news posts, descriptions of publication topics under the 'Research' tab, and an updated Contact form that includes a map of our location on BYU Campus.

Prospective Research Assistants

If you are seeking to join the lab, explore the 'Research' and 'Publications' tabs to see where students and the lab director have directed their efforts previously. Reach out through the lab contact information to get in touch and ask questions!

Current Research Assistants

For lab members, this website looks very different than it used to. You will enjoy organized training modules, consolidated resources, and unprecedented ease of access to all of it. Training has been fully integrated into the website under 'Lab Resources' -> 'Training and Onboarding' for new lab members and those looking to refresh skills.